Authorization object class sap tcode
Description > Authorization object class sap tcode
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Description > Authorization object class sap tcode
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Expand all the nodes, double click on the input field of the Activity and select activity 01 and 02. Since objects are created at run time, how can we create an object at design time? Now create another role by repeating steps 1 to 9 but this time select activity 03 on step 6. You can also use this transaction to create new object classes and authorization objects.
In my experience, not all Transactions inserted into a Role, bring i an Authorization Object. Once done, click on the. Click the create new button on the application toolbar.
SAP authorization object class tables - In addition, create an authorization field: Select Create authorization field. For example a user is authorized only to view, other could be authorized to modify and so on.
The resulting contexts can be very complex.